
Removing snow from the driveway of your home or business is absolutely essential to keeping it safe. It is also one of the more hazardous household activities we undertake during the year – be it from falling, injuring our backs, or even heart attack.

It doesn’t have to be so bad though, these simple tips will help keep your Overland Park home free of the white stuff, and keep your back in tip-top shape. Don’t get bogged down by snow and ice, stick to these tips!

  • Shovel often – It’s much more fun to hide out inside with a hot beverage, but getting the snow out of the driveway before it becomes feet deep is the better option in the long run. It will be easier to clear each time you shovel, plus it won’t freeze to the concrete also making your job easier.
  • Don’t shovel too often – Like all strenuous physical activity, shoveling is hard work. Don’t shovel more often than you can handle, take breaks and drink fluids. You can actually get overheated relatively quickly while shoveling when you’re wearing warm clothes, so taking breaks is the best way to keep your body regulated appropriately.
  • Careful with Chemicals – Using snow and ice melt are tempting options that require less work than constant shoveling. Watch out for salt and melting agents though, as they tend to damage plants and shrubs by sapping water from their roots. Calcium chloride is an alternative, or give this alternative method a try!
  • Snow Removal Equipment is More than A Shovel – When there’s a fair amount of snow, remember that there is more equipment available than just a shovel! One of the best options is a snow thrower, but purchasing one of these is expensive and, especially in the Kansas City area, not always necessary. Consider getting in touch with us for help with snow removal that’s just too much for you and a shovel!
  • Careful Around Your Plants – Watch out for your plants! Burying them in snow can suffocate them and remember that they’re going to be more brittle during the winter. If you don’t take care of them in winter, they won’t be there come spring! Gently brush limbs that seem to be bearing too much wait from snow. Wait for ice to melt naturally.